Report a concern

    Report a concern or make a complaint

    We are committed to conducting business responsibly, with honesty and integrity and to a high standard. The PIDG Complaints and Whistleblowing Operating Policy sets out how we aim to resolve matters as quickly as possible where anyone has a complaint about our standards and quality of service and to address concerns about actual or suspected wrongdoing or misconduct. We will treat all reports and complaints with the utmost confidentiality and will protect all personal data in accordance with our Privacy Notice and applicable data protection laws.
    Find all our procedures below.

    Making a complaint

    If you have a complaint about how we have been carrying out our activities, which has not been satisfactorily resolved with your main point of contact within PIDG, then you may make a complaint by contacting PIDG Compliance using one of the following channels by:

    • Emailing:
    • Using the enquiry form on the Contact Us page.
    • Writing to: The Private Infrastructure Development Group Ltd, 6 Bevis Marks, London EC3A 7BA.

    We will acknowledge receipt as soon as possible but always within seven days of a complaint being received. If we have not been able to resolve the complaint by the time we contact you, we will set out the next steps. You can find more information about our complaints process in our Complaints and Management Procedures.

    Raising a concern

    If you wish to raise a concern about malpractice, wrongdoing or a risk, in relation to our activities, which adversely affects the public, PIDG staff or PIDG itself, we encourage you to speak up and raise your concerns. A concern will usually show one or more of the following has been committed, is being committed or is likely to be committed:

    • a criminal offence;
    • failure to comply with legislation;
    • a miscarriage of justice;
    • endangering the health or safety of any individual;
    • damage to the environment;
    • breach of PIDG Code of Conduct including associated policies, procedures and standards;
      or the deliberate concealment of any of the above matters.

    We will take all reasonable steps to protect all individuals who speak up in good faith. In particular, individuals will not suffer any detrimental treatment by PIDG as a result of raising a concern in good faith. We will not tolerate any harassment, victimisation or detrimental treatment of an individual (including informal pressures) and will take appropriate action to protect individuals who raise a concern in good faith.

    a. Using our whistleblowing hotline, which is provided by Safecall.

    This service is available if you do not wish to liaise directly with PIDG or someone within one of our companies. Safecall is independent of PIDG, enabling concerns to be raised in complete confidence.

    Safecall uses skilled and professional call handlers to receive reports and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. Safecall will ensure details of all concerns are forwarded to the PIDG Chief Risk Officer confidentially for investigation.

    Safecall can be contacted at any time by:

    • On-line at
    • calling on the numbers provided below.

    b. Getting in touch with our chief risk officer by:

    • emailing:
    • using the enquiry form on the contact us page, or
    • writing to: The Private Infrastructure Development Group Ltd, 6 Bevis Marks, London EC3A 7BA
    • We will acknowledge receipt of the report and, to the extent possible, will keep you informed of our investigations. We will also investigate the matter as quickly as possible.

    You can find more information about our whistleblowing process and details about how to obtain additional information in our whistleblowing procedures.


    The countries with phone numbers in bold text are freephone numbers.

    Burkina Faso

    +44 191 516 7764


    1800 209 761

    Cote d’Ivoire

    +44 191 516 7764

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    +44 191 516 7764

    Indonesia (if PT Telekom)

    007 803 440884


    8000 96071


    1800 14410499

    Republic of Guinea

    +44 191 516 7764

    Sierra Leone

    +44 191 516 7764


    800 448 1773

    South Africa

    0800 990243

    South Sudan

    +44 191 516 7764

    Sri Lanka


    Sri Lanka if outside of Colombo

    011 2423109

    United Kingdom

    0800 915 1571


    121 020036

    Vietnam (VNPT)

    120 11157

    Vietnam (Viettel)

    122 80725